If you own or operate a business then you handle personally identifying information such as Social Security numbers, driver’s license numbers and credit cards. As a business it is your responsibility to protect that information and keep it from getting into the wrong hands.
However, sometimes despite your best efforts, a data compromise occurs. What can you do to help protect your business and your customers when this happens? Data Compromise insurance coverage is available to help you respond to this type of incident.
A data compromise can occur in several different ways. These include:
· Theft of your computer system or computerized cash register from your business.
· Theft of physical files containing customer or employee records
· Hacking, pharming or phishing of your computer system
· Mistaken publishing of personal information on mailing labels or on your web site
· Improper disposal of customer or employee records
Data compromise coverage can provide peace of mind in the event a data compromise occurs. This coverage provides legal and forensic technology review; this will help determine the extent of the data breach and the response required for the breach. It also helps you notify your employees and customers affected by the breach. Credit monitoring services are also provided for twelve months following a data compromise.
Each of these services would be very costly if paid out of pocket, not to mention the cost for the damage to your business reputation for not responding to a data compromise.
Penny Insurance Agency can help you determine the level of risk your business faces in relation to data compromise. We have been serving the Carolinas since 1931, helping businesses and families design cost effective insurance programs that keep them protected without breaking the bank.
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